Ahad, 24 Mei 2009
Sport in islam- hasil dari pemerhatianku
The Arabic word for athletics or sports is riyadiya, which is derived from verb root.
Islamic athletics is an athletics organisation governed by Sharia and formed through the Islamic history. In Islam, athletics is perceived as important to gain a healthy body. There are, however, some sports that are preferred above others and others that are banned in Islam.
The Islamic law, or Sharia, sets several bounds that impact Muslim athletes. This includes rules regarding the awrah, those parts of the body not to be exposed in public. The hijab or Burqas required by strict divisions of Islam can make it difficult for women and men to engage in many sports. Also, men are not allowed to have clothing that shows the area between the knees and bellybutton, prohibiting them from engaging in, for example, Sumo wrestling. For some time, Iranian women at the Olympics only competed in shooting because it was the one area unaffected by their dress codes.
In this world, sports and recreation are consider as a religious service and social work for those who really into the status of caliph and servant of Allah SWT.
Sports and recreation can make equipment in development people according to islam. Its many influence itself and society in form tie relative between islam except can cause healthy our body. Its can cause our mind become healthy and energetic for success in world and the life to come.
Sports develop follow forward society and same with history of islam. Sports also included activity in islam. History of islam write down about some sports activity in islam at prophet Muhammad period as for horse-riding, archery, wrestling and racing.
From the time immemorial, people have sought means of physical training and invented all kinds of sports to make their bodies strong, but each to its purposes and conditions. As was said by Rasulullah SAW:
: “A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak one.”
(Tale of Muslim)
In early Islam, athletics existed in the form of military preparations. Most men were encouraged to learn to ride a horse or shoot with arrows.
As stated in Sunan Abi Da'ud:
Narrated Uqbah ibn Amir:
I heard the Apostle of Allah say: Allah, Most High, will cause three persons to enter Paradise for one arrow: the maker when he has a good motive in making it, the one who shoots it, and the one who hands it; so shoot and ride, but your shooting is dearer to me than your riding. Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man's training of his horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. If anyone abandons archery after becoming an adept through distaste for it, it is a blessing he has abandoned; or he said: for which he has been ungrateful.
Some scholars believe that polo originated among the Iranian tribes sometime before the 6th century BC. Once played by groups of soldiers and nomads, polo became the "sport of kings" and the wealthy during the Middle Ages.
Throughout the twentieth century, Muslim countries have been involved in international athletics events like the Olympics and have achieved some success. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference established the Islamic Solidarity Games[5] as a means of encouraging cooperation among Muslim states. The first Games[6] were held in 1980 in İzmir, Turkey and included both men's and women's track-and-field events with participation from nine countries and one unofficial country (Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). The next Games were due to be held in Saudi Arabia in 1983 but no details are available on whether they took place. However, an Islamic Women's Games were held in 1993, 1997, and 2001 in Tehran, Iran.
Most recently, the Islamic Solidarity Games were held in 2005 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Every exercise activity, recreation and sport that is compulsory and circumcision will only consider as a religious service depending on the following terms:
It is done with a good intention as a reason of Allah SWT.
There are no conflict elements against the belief
NO conflict against the Islamic Law
NO neglecting the religious duty that are compulsory
NO gambling elements involved
Exposing parts of the body are restricted.
There are no elements of destructions, annihilations, revenges, and devastations.
There should be no ‘wasting’ in every sport activity and recreation
The root of every single thing is a must in Islam. That is why in Islam law, sport and recreation is a must too.
Islam also urges the importance of caring for the body or physical body; this is because a healthy body is a healthy mind too (sanity etc).
Islam does not oppose having a strong body via practicing sports. Muslims are commanded to be of sound bodies and sound minds in addition to having sound morals. In the Hadith, we read:
“A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak one.” (Reported by Muslim)
A sound strong body is capable of fulfilling both the religious and the worldly duties. Islam never accepts anything that leads to neglecting these duties, save in some cases where some exemptions are made so as to make matters easy for believers
In his well known book ‘Zad-Al-Ma`aad’, Imam Ibnul-Qayyem states that movement is the core of sports. It helps the body get rid of waste food in a very normal way. It makes it active, enhances its immunity and protects it from diseases. Each organ has its own sport that suits it. As for horse-riding, archery, wrestling and racing, they are sports that benefit the whole body.
1- A Muslim should not occupy himself with sports to the extent that leads to neglecting religious and other duties.
2- A Muslim is not permitted to give himself loose rein in practicing sports in a way that involves inflicting harm on others. Practicing sports in crowded streets, for example, thus causing traffic jam is not an Islamic way for example.
3- Blind fanaticism in favor or against a team has nothing to do with Islam, for this really contradicts the Islamic teachings calling for unity and love.
4- While practicing sports there should be no room for foul words, bad behavior and slandering.
5- Islam does not allow matches or games that involve both sexes, in a way that opens channels for seduction, temptation and corruption.
6- Islam rejects also all games and sports that stir sexual urge or encourage moral perversion such as women practicing dancing and being watched by the public.
Males are to practice sports that suits their nature and vice versa. In Islam, it is not allowed for females to practice sports that are unique for men.
"Teach your sons the art of swimming, sharp shooting, and horseback riding," said Omar, the second Caliph (successor to Muhammad) who ruled from 634 to 644. Why were these "sports" so important to young Muslim men in medieval times? It was because sports helped to prepare them to do well in other areas of life, such as war, leadership, and business.
There were many popular sports for rich and poor alike. Many sports were contests, like racing and wrestling. Even games like chess were contests that helped train one's mind for war and competition.
Yet there were few sports for women. Women were often kept from participating in the public life of the Islamic communities, but not always. We will see that some women were involved in games and contests, even when competing with men.
The term 'sport' is used to denote the activities which the Holy Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) encouraged, such as archery, swimming, horse-riding, etc. The reason for this will be explained later.
(a) Horse Riding
Allah (Azza wa jall) says in the Holy Quran: "And (He created) horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and as an adornment...(Al Quraan 16:8)
Uqbah bin Amir reported that the messenger of Allah (Azza wa jall) said: Everything with which a man plays is unlawful except his shooting with arrows, and his training his horse, and his sporting with his wife; and verily these are of the truths. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawoo,Ibn Majah)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said: "There is blessing in the forelocks of horses."(Ahmad)
(b) Archery
Archery was another sport that helped prepare young men for warfare and hunting. In spite of the dangers of war, a young man could make a good living by being skillful as a warrior. The Turks and Mongols, especially, were famous for their skills in archery. Above, a rider demonstrates his skills before the Sultan of the Ottoman Turks and some foreign visitors. He was able to shoot his bow at any angle and hit his target
Hazrat Uqbah Bin Âmir (Radiallâhu anhu) also narrates that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) saying:
"Whoever gives up archery after having learnt it, is not of us..."(Muslim)
On another occasion, the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) once passed by a group of his Companions who were competing in archery. He encouraged them saying, "Shoot and I am with you."(Bukhari)
(c) Swimming
Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) said: "Teach your sons swimming and archery and teach your daughters sewing."(Baihaqi)
With regard to the participation of the Sahaba in the above activities, the jurists write:
"Anything done simply for futile pleasures or merely 'for fun' has no basis in Shariah as every action of a believer is orchestrated by the supreme command of Allâh and orientated towards attaining His pleasure only. And it is the culmination and perfection of faith wherein the servant attains pleasure only in fulfilling the command of His Master and his heart ingests and aspires at all times to ascertain the command of Allâh. When this becomes second-nature within man, then all his pleasures are converted and directed accordingly.
Hence, the encouragement of Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) to the Sahaba and their participation in such activities was not to appease their personal motives or to derive any worldly pleasures thereby, but to gain the pleasure of Allâh and strive to fulfil His command and physically and mentally prepare for the propagation thereof in every way possible, even though it meant laying down their lives for it, which they practically demonstrated to mankind."
"Their primary objective was to prepare themselves for Jihad and the worldly benefits were secondary."
(d) Footracing
There were many kinds of races in medieval times: horse racing, camel racing, boat racing, and more. These competitions helped train people to work or fight better, and to build strength.
The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) himself raced with his wife. Hazrat Ayesha said: "I raced with the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and beat him in the race. Later when I had put on some weight, we raced again and he won. Then he said, 'This cancels that', referring to the previous occasion."(Ahmad, Abu Dawood)
"The Hadith relating that Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) ran a race with Hazrat Aishah R.A. once while they were on a journey wherein Hazrat Aisha R.A. outshone Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and sometime later wherein Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) beat her to the draw was a manifestation of the affectionate bond of love that existed between them and how matrimonial rights should be conducted as discussed under the chapter of Conjugal Rights and Intimacy between husband and wife in the books of Hadith. And this is actually a practical demonstration of another Hadith where in Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had reiterated:
'Every such engagement of man which entails play and amusement is null and void except archery, training one's horse and playing with one's wife, for these things constitute righteousness.' "
"As for the race with Ayesha (Radiallâhu anha), this is narrated only by her and no other Sahaba (Radiallahu anhu). This makes it obvious that this was in absolute privacy. Actually this race was not in the form of some sport. Rather, it was more in the form of playfulness and a manner of mirthful activity as is common in a healthy husband and wife relationship. If one practices this sunnah in the same manner (i.e. in absolute privacy) with one's wife, by all means. However, it cannot be used to justify the indulgence in modern day sports.
"For this, on the basis of Hadith, the Ulama have stated that horse-racing, donkey-racing, mule-racing and human race competitions should be held with the intention of preparing for jihad. This is mustahab (praiseworthy) and for this, one will be recompensated. Similarly, sword-fighting, archery and in today's times, practising with modern weapons like firearms, machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, submarines, planes, etc. on land, sea and air, and the time and money spent on them will gain recompense, provided the intention is for jihad. If such exercises and competitions are held and prizes are given so that people are more and more induced to be ready for defending and protecting their religion and country, or one-sided bets are offered, it is all permissible; i.e. he who completes the race first or excels others in a competition will be given a prize. However betting from both sides is not permissible, it is haram."(8)
(e) Wrestling
The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) once wrestled with a man called Rukanah who was well-known for his strength, throwing him down more than once. (Abu Daud).
This Hadith has been explained as follows:
"The Hadith mentioning Rasulullah's wrestling with Rukanah is not encouragement for sport because the event took place at the request of Rukanah who wanted to ascertain whether Muhammed (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was a Nabi or not. Rasulullah's victory over Rukanah was by way of Mu'jizah. This Hadith is not an encouragement for sport."
(f) polo
Horses were used in the game of polo, and teams of riders tried to hit a wooden ball across the field with a long wooden mallet, or hammer. Polo probably originated (started) in Central Asia more than 2,500 years ago and became very popular in medieval Persia. Some scholars believe that polo originated among the Iranian tribes sometime before the 6th century BC. Once played by groups of soldiers and nomads, polo became the "sport of kings" and the wealthy during the Middle Ages.
At the outset, it is important to outline the Islamic stance on relaxation. With regard to relaxing the mind and body, there seems to be a general consensus amongst the different Ulama. The following are the views of four prominent South African jurists:
"Says the Quran: 'Undoubtedly it is only through the Remembrance of Allah that the hearts find contentment and satisfaction.' Ar-Ra'ad verse 28.
Says the Hadith: 'And your body also has a right over you." Bukhari
Hence to relax the body and mind and to maintain its physical well-being has been acceded to in Syariah, however, remaining within the limits of Shariah thereby and without exceeding the bounds and not engaging in any such activity which will make one unmindful and heedless of Allah."
"Islam recognizes that Allah has created human beings with needs and desires, so that, as they need to eat and drink, they also need to relax. The following incident substantiates that in Islam there is a time and place for everything permissible.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) said: "Minds get tired as do bodies, so treat them with humour" and "Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind becomes blind."
Pastimes are permissible provided that they provide the participant with relaxation and exercise and at the same time none of the laws of Shariah are compromised eg. dress, intermingling of sexes, gambling and betting etc."
"...in terms of the Shariah, it is permissible for Muslims to relax the mind and body provided it does not interfere with the basic obligatory and compulsory Islamic duties placed upon him/her. However it is declared Makrooh (abominable) in Shariah to engage in meaningless pastimes."
"Relaxing the body and mind are not just permissible; they are a requirement. The reason is obvious. With a refreshed body and mind one can engage in one's object more earnestly. However, the relaxation must not be in such a way which results in transgression of the laws of Syariah or in diversion from one's object of life.
A number of sports have been explicitly prohibited by the Quran and Hadith. These include:
a. Playing with dice
The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said: "He who plays with dice is like the one who handles the flesh and blood of swine."(Muslim, Abu Daud, Ahmad)
b. Games of Chance and Card - playing
Abdullah bin Amru reported that the messenger of Allah (Azza wa jalla) prohibited intoxicants, games of chance, card - playing and Gabairah (a kind of wine).(Abu Daud)
Muslim is very strong in sports. Like sports in football in Europe. Some muslims players join the big club in Europe like our muslim superstars zidane, sissoko, ribery and many again. When Ramadan coming, they all no excuse to not play a football. But they were fasting when the match. Its very amazing they do great at field even they without taking food or drink during the daylight hours for a month and its effect on playing professional sports. They does not eat or drink during the day, even though his sport takes much energy.
In conclusion, it is to be made clear that upon declaring something permissible, Islam places some stipulations that aim at maintaining morality and that cope with the general wisdom of legislation. Sports are to be practiced following these stipulations so as to avoid any undesired harms. The general rule of Shari`ah is that any act that involves transgressing limits whether in eating, drinking, clothing or anything else, is prohibited.
Sports is very important to us. Its can make our body healthy and strong. But its must me follow law in islam such as It is done with a good intention as a reason of Allah SWT, There are no conflict elements against the belief, NO conflict against the Islamic Law, NO neglecting the religious duty that are compulsory, NO gambling elements involved, Exposing parts of the body are restricted, There are no elements of destructions, annihilations, revenges, and devastations and There should be no ‘wasting’ in every sport activity and recreation
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