Islam is a religion which is brought by Prophet Muhammad. He told us to believe as the existed of Allah. He told us to always worship as the creator of all mankind, the world and everything that exist.
There are two types of pillars which we must follow and obey such as:
1. Pillar of Islam.
2. Pillar of Faith (Iman)
Pillar of Islam is something which we do and obey. It was as a symbol and prove that we have believe in Allah and His messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was also mean about how we worship Allah as the creator of all mankind.
However, a pillar of faith (iman) is what we believe with our heart and we will never doubt about it. It was thing that cannot be described by words. A pillar of faith (iman) is nothing we can see but it was thing that we trust and believe. It was belief that had told and teaches since the year of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
In this essay I will only explain about pillars of faith (iman), what and why it was very important to us as a Muslim.
Pillars of Faith (Iman).
Faith (iman) is believing or confident. However, faith is something that begins from Allah (Quran) and His messenger (hadith) which we must believe in our heart. The important faith is believe in Allah.
Even thought believe in Allah is the important fact, we must complete ourselves with the other iman which had been permanently to us through Allah and His messenger Muhammad.[1]
As a Muslim, we believe in pillars of faith (iman). Pillars of faith (iman) are something what we believe and must believe as a Muslim. Pillars of faith (iman) are divided into 6 such as:-
1. Belief in Allah.
2. Belief in Angels.
3. Belief in holy books of Allah.
4. Belief in Prophet of Allah.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment.
6. Belief in Qada’ and Qadar.
Believe in pillars of faith (iman) mean as our aqidah in islam. However, aqidah is something that we believe with in our hearts. It was nothing that we can only describe with words.
Belief in Allah.
Allah is god and the creator of all mankind and everything that existed in the world. If you add‘s’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Gods’, that is the plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add ‘dess’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Goddess’ that is a female God. There is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah has no gender. If you add the word ‘father’ to ‘God’ it becomes ‘God-father’. God-father means someone who is a guardian. There is no word like ‘Allah-Abba’ or ‘Allah-father’. If you add the word ‘mother’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘God-mother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah-Ammi’, or ‘Allah-mother’ in Islam. Allah is a unique word. If you prefix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e., fake God. Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer using the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for the Almighty.[2]
God does not take human form:
Allah does not become a human being but only takes a human form. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc.
The worship of God in human form is therefore a logical fallacy and should be abhorred in all its forms and manifestations.
That is the reason why the Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism. The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse:
"There is nothing whatever like unto Him,." (Asy syuura-11)
As we know Allah must be different against His creation and Allah cannot die and have need to other.
2. Belief in Angels.
Angels are created by Allah, just as man and everything else has been created by Him. Angels obey Allah and are His servants. They perform many tasks and keep the world in being by obeying Allah's commands.
We know that when the sun rises and sets, when the clouds move in the sky, when the raindrops fall, when the plants grow and many other things happen in nature, it is Allah Who has crated them and Allah Who sustains them. Nothing can happen without Allah's will. In the same way, Allah created the angels who obey Him. They carry out His will, and take great care that everything goes according to Allah's will. They are the obedient servants of Allah.
The Angels According To Islam.
Angel Gabriel brought Allah's words to the Prophet Muhammad and therefore we call Gabriel the Messenger Angel. There are many other angels and we can read about them in the Quran.
Each of us has two angels who accompany him. These angels take note of everything we do. They write down our good deeds and our bad deeds. We call these angels the Writing Angels. There are other angels, too. For example, there is an angel who helps people when they die. This angel brings death, so we call him the Angel of Death.
We cannot see the angels because they are made of things which our eyes cannot see. But all the same, we know that they are there, because Allah has told us so. Sometimes, we can even feel the presence of these angels.[3]
Reason Belief in Angels.
Believe in Angel Allah is a must. This is because to make our believe in Allah even greater. It was prove that Allah is most powerful that He can create even thing which we can see and also thing that we can’t see.
By believing the Allah and His angel, we will always do good thing and prevent our self from doing evil thing because we know that there are angels which always marking in every good and bad thing we do.[4]
Belief in Holy Books Of Allah.
Holy book is God’s revelations to His messengers and it have been brought to the messengers by angel Gabriel. Allah sent down to his messenger four main books:
· Torah Moses
· Zaboor David
· Gospel Jesus
· Qur’an Muhammad
However, the basic and most important source of knowledge about the Holy Books is the Qur’an. It was the last book that have been reveal to us from our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Why should we believe in holy books?
It was an important pillar of our faith is to believe in the books that Allah sent down to His Messengers. The Messengers used the books to teach the people and guide them to the right path. Allah commands us to believe in His books.
Allah says:
“O you who believe, believe in Allah, His messenger, the Book that He revealed to His Messenger, and the books that He revealed before.”
Belief in Prophet of Allah.
The prophets of God were men who propagated the call of revelation and prophecy and brought definitive proofs for their call. They propagated among people the elements of the religion of God (which is the same divine law that guarantees happiness) and made it available to all men. Since in all periods of history the number of persons endowed with the power of prophecy and revelation has been limited to a few individuals, God--the Most Exalted--has completed and perfected the guidance of the rest of mankind by placing the mission of the propagation of religion upon the shoulders of His prophets. That is why a prophet of God must possess the quality of inerrancy ('ismah). In receiving the revelation from God, in guarding it and in making possible its reaching the people, he must be free from error. He must not commit sin (ma's yah).
The reception of revelation, its preservation and its propagation are three principles of ontological guidance; and error in existence itself is meaningless. Furthermore, sin and opposition to the claims of the religious call and its propagation are impossible in a prophet for they would be a call against the original religious mission; they would destroy the confidence of the people, their reliance upon the truth and the validity of the call. As a result they would destroy the purpose of the religious call itself. [5]
God, the Exalted, refers in His word to the inerrancy of the prophets, saying:
"And We chose them and guided them unto a straight path".
Belief in Judgment day.
However, belief in judgment day is important and a must to all muslim. Judgment day is a day where all mankind will be judge and reward with what they done in their life. Good will be reward with paradise and bad will be reward with hell.[6]
In other words, if there is no Judgement Day, where is the infinite justice of Allah? We find the Muslim humiliated, downtrodden, his blood shed while the Non-Muslim happier than him materially, socially, his wealth, status, his fame, his money, wine and women. He is enjoying this world and the Muslim in many times are not. The Muslim is controlling his passion, desires, exercising self-restraint, worshipping Allah, sacrificing the pleasure of this world for the sake of Allah.[7]
In Al-Quran had explain to us that there will be life after life in world and it was the true life. This world is just for temporary.
Allah says:
“And there is no life in world accept a waste and a game and country after the end of the day is life (real life) if they ever know”.
(Al- ankabuut-64)
Belief in Qada’ And Qadar
The one of the six fundamentals of faith (iman) is to believe in qada and qadar. Qada and qadar is the knowledge about which the intelligent are confused the most. These confusions arise from not comprehending qada and qadar well. If what qadar means is comprehended well, no intelligent person will doubt it any more, and will have a firm iman.
The Creator of all classes of beings knows all the things which He has created and will create, from eternity in the past to eternity in the future, all from motes to the Arsh, material and immaterial ones alike. He knows them altogether and at the same time. He knew all of them before creating them. Everything has two kinds of existence. One of them is its existence in knowledge; and the other is its material existence outside.
Because the knowledge of qada and qadar is intricate, reading about it may evoke some wrong ideas, delusions and fancies. For this reason, our superiors explained qada and qadar in several ways. Thus, those who read or listen will utilize one of the definitions according to the course and manner of the words, and will be secure against doubt.
Qadar is Allah ta'ala's knowing in the eternal past the things that will be created afterwards.
Allah ta'ala creates everything with His power and knowledge. This knowledge is qadar.
Qadar is the relationship between Allah ta'ala's attribute "knowledge' and creatures before anything was created. The Ahl as-sunnat wal-jamaat believed in qadar, and said that it is a principle of iman. In other words, they said that he who disbelieves in qadar is not a Believer.
Qadar is always from Allah ta'ala, whether it is good or bad, sweet or dismal. For, qadar means to create what one knows.
[The words qadar and qada are used interchangeably. Qada is used instead of qadar].
Great savant Al-imam-ul-Baghawi says, "The knowledge of qada and qadar is one of the secrets which Allah Ta'ala has hidden from His slaves. He has not disclosed this knowledge to the closest angels, nor even to Prophets Muhammad (peace be upon him) who are owners of Shariats! This knowledge is a great ocean. No one is permitted to dive into this ocean, or to talk about qadar. We must know thus far: Allah Ta'ala creates human beings. Some of them are shaqi, and will remain in Hell. Others are said, and will enter Paradise. When a person asked hadrat Ali "radiAllahu anh' about qadar, he said, "It is a dark way. Do not walk on this way!" When he was asked again, he said, "It is a deep sea." He was asked again. This time he said: "Qadar is Allah Ta'ala's secret. He has hidden this knowledge from you."[8]
All of the above explain the important of pillars of faith (iman). It was thing which is a must for us as a Muslim to believe, people who not believe in pillars of faith is not a believer. However by believe in pillar of faith will bring us to raise from the darkness. It was like a light which will prevent us from being evil and doing bad thing. Belief in pillar of faith will also make us always be patient in every test that given by Allah because we know that Allah is always be with patient people. In fact, people that always patient will be reward with a good thing after the end of day because we believe in judgment day where all mankind will be judge.
û Hussein Bahreisj, without dates, Tuntunan Islam[Akidah dan Syariah], Surabaya Indonesia:Al-Ikhlas.
û Hj. Osman bin Jantan, 1983, Pedoman Ilmu Tauhid
û Ghazali Basri, 2008, Dinamika Tasawwur Islam Dalam Pembentukan Keperibadian Umat, Negara Brunei Darussalam:Kolej Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan.
û http://www.journeyofpurity..mht
û http://
[1] Hussein Bahreisj, Tuntunan Islam[Akidah dan Syariah]:13-14.
[4] Hj. Osman bin Jantan, 1983, Pedoman Ilmu Tauhid:74
[6] Ghazali Basri, 2008, Dinamika Tasawwur Islam:77.
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